रविवार, 24 नवंबर 2013

Amazing Dog Show in Ludhiana

26-12-2012 पर प्रकाशित
I shot this video while on a trip to Ludhiana, Punjab. I randomly came across this show and was amazed to see so many awesome canines/dogs at one place. Most of them available for sale, in case someone wants to buy them for a very reasonable rates. The craze for costly breeds of canines is fast catching up in India. Not only this, the trend to participate in dog shows is also on the rise.This was quite evident during the dog show organized by Ludhiana Kennel Club at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) on Sunday 18th November, 2012. Around 500 dogs of 55 different breeds from all across country participated in the show.

Related Links:
Amazing Dog Show in Ludhiana                     Annual Migration

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